
Thursday, May 10, 2012

When I Think About Rain....

    I know that it has been a few days since a new blog post has surfaced, but I had a crazy week and will now catch up by posting a few blog posts today to kinda catch up. I was suppose to be at a rate of two blog post a day but that has not been turned into a reality yet. Enjoy!

    As I walk through the streets of my town, a slight drizzle of rain starts to fall down upon me. I'm not in objection to rain so I continue to walk. Meanwhile, I'm analyzing the very rain that's steadily hitting my skin. As I look around I notice that the rain is just not falling on me but the lady walking next to me, the guy across the street, the child following behind his mother, and even the mayor as he leaves city hall. It is then very clear to me that rain, as simple as it is, has a much more complex and fair value. Unlike many Americans today, the rain does not discriminate and falls evenly on anyone and everything. The rain is also clear, you can see through it and know what your up against. It would be a perfect reality to think that one day everyone could be like the rain. Fair with clear intentions, equal in grace, and furthermore never ending. So I urge everyone, learn from the rain and support equality for everyone!
-Mr. J

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